Christmas Tree Questions
We take the guess work out of buying the perfect tree! all trees are unwrapped ready for viewing
To help you get the perfect Christmas tree this holiday season, we have some Q & A's for you!
Why it is good to buy a pre cut tree?
Pre cut trees are farmed helping to produce clean air other wise would have been an empty field. For every tree cut down a new one is planted. We support local tree farm.
When was this tree cut?
Experienced growers usually cut the majority of their trees in October/ November. If cut later than this, shorter day lengths and cooler temperatures that are typically occurring at this time of the year, signal the tree to send increasing amounts of its moisture to their root zones to keep their roots alive throughout the winter. This actually dehydrates the needles and branches somewhat causing a paler drier tree.
Was this tree plantation grown or cut from a natural forest or woodlot?
Trees are plantation grown in Ontario, Canada. These trees are not cut from wild stands. Our trees are commercially grown and all proper horticultural practices have been applied to offer you a superior product with no impact on our environment.
Is using a cut tree environmentally friendly?
Trees are grown like other agricultural crops. They use carbon dioxide when growing and give off oxygen. They stabilize marginal farmland, create a wildlife habitat and create job opportunities. Pollution advocates have endorsed them for they are a renewable/recyclable resource.
Are there uses for my tree after it has been removed from the house?
Yes! Trees can be chipped and used for mulch. They can be used to house bird feeders throughout the winter months, or used in various ways to protect against wind and water erosion.
If you have not experienced the pleasures of a live Christmas tree, we sincerely hope you will soon. It will add a special touch to the Christmas spirit in your home.