Only MYCOACTIVE offers you undeniable results: more luscious, more vibrant and healthier flowers and plants.

MYCOACTIVE is a Premier Tech proprietary technology based on an exclusive combination of high performance active ingredients and precisely selected components allowing for the stimulation of plants, including grass, and/or the control of pests and diseases in lawns and gardens.

For gardeners using PRO-MIX® with MYCOACTIVE this means less work and more time to contemplate their dream garden!

All PRO-MIX growing mixes contain a unique natural ingredient called MYCOACTIVE Organic Growth Enhancer. This biological plant stimulant naturally boosts a plant’s ability to grow stronger and healthier. It reduces plant stress and helps it survive even in a variety of extreme conditions.

Here’s how it works. The microscopic organisms actually attach to the roots of the plant and form a network that becomes an extension of the root system. These feeders collect moisture and nutrients from the soil that would otherwise be unavailable to the plant.

The network also enhances plant resistance to severe weather conditions.

All of this keeps the plant healthy and that means it grows better. For the gardener, this means less work but really good-looking plants.

In exchange for the sugars and vitamins the plant provides, the mycorrhizal fungi bring food and water to the plant and protects it from disease. Plants are more resistant to stresses in their environment so they grow bigger, healthier and are more prolific. Years of independent research in fields, nurseries and greenhouses have showed that soils enriched with the MYCOACTIVE Organic Growth Enhancer ingredient found in PRO-MIX® products provide the following growth advantages.

MYCOACTIVE Organic Growth Enhancer (Mycorrhizae – Glomus intraradices) benefits plants by improving acquisition of water and nutrients (particularly phosphorus, copper, zinc, and manganese), increased resistance to stresses related to transplanting, nutrition and drought, improving plant survival after planting into gardens and field soil and increased crop vigor, plant quality and quantity of flowers/fruit.

  • Improving acquisition of water and nutrients (particularly phosphorus, copper, zinc, and manganese);
  • Increased resistance to stresses related to transplanting, nutrition and drought;
  • Improving plant survival after planting into gardens and field soil;
  • Increased crop vigor, plant quality and quantity of flowers/fruit.MYCOACTIVE Organic Growth Enhancer (Mycorrhizae – Glomus intraradices) benefits plants by improving acquisition of water and nutrients (particularly phosphorus, copper, zinc, and manganese), increased resistance to stresses related to transplanting, nutrition and drought, improving plant survival after planting into gardens and field soil and increased crop vigor, plant quality and quantity of flowers/fruit.
    • Improving acquisition of water and nutrients (particularly phosphorus, copper, zinc, and manganese);
    • Increased resistance to stresses related to transplanting, nutrition and drought;
    • Improving plant survival after planting into gardens and field soil;
    • Increased crop vigor, plant quality and quantity of flowers/fruit.

MYCOACTIVE Organic Growth Enhancer (Mycorrhizae – Glomus intraradices) benefits plants by improving acquisition of water and nutrients (particularly phosphorus, copper, zinc, and manganese), increased resistance to stresses related to transplanting, nutrition and drought, improving plant survival after planting into gardens and field soil and increased crop vigor, plant quality and quantity of flowers/fruit.

  • Improving acquisition of water and nutrients (particularly phosphorus, copper, zinc, and manganese);
  • Increased resistance to stresses related to transplanting, nutrition and drought;
  • Improving plant survival after planting into gardens and field soil;
  • Increased crop vigor, plant quality and quantity of flowers/fruit.