Blossom End Rot in Tomatos

Blossom End Rot in Tomatoes

With the climate changing constantly in Ontario and our nights wet and cool has turned many people off from growing tomato's. With the proper knowledge you can conquer blossom end rot! Leaving you with healthy ripe, juicy tomato's.

So what causes Blossom End Rot?

Blossom End rot is a Calcium imbalance in the tomato. Tomatos rely on calcium to help bind the cells together, in which produces a healthy firm tomato.

What is the key to maintaining a healthy nutrient intake for a tomato plant?Healthy Tomato

  • Plant tomatoes in warm well drained soil
  • Keep adequate space between tomato and other vegetables so that there is no root destruction
  • It is very important to keep a consistent moisture
  • Early fruit may have blossom end rot if planted too early in cold soil, however if the soil condition has been consistent and fertilizer low in nitrogen, but high in superphosphate has been applied, the new fruit should be blossom end rot free
  • You may use a dust with copper, which helps to get nutrients to the tomato

Remember that Blossom end rot is not a fungus nor a insect, fungicides and insecticides are useless as control measures.