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Take Your Garden To

The Next Level

At Alton Greenhouse we pride ourselves on carrying a wide variety of perennials, annuals, shrubs, Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs, Tropicals, Fertilizers, Garden décor and more. Let us help you decided what best fits your space, so you can create your own oasis.

Scavolia baskets

Mini tropical pots
We're Here To Help With

Gardening Advice

We understand that gardening can be intimidating at times. So we would love to offer some helpful advice to get your garden growing better than ever before! Stay tuned for continuous updates to help you and your garden.

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With Us

Alton Greenhouses & Gardening Centre Location Icon


19598 Main Street
Caledon (Alton Village) , Ontario, Canada, L7K 1P6
Alton Greenhouses & Gardening Centre Email Icon


Alton Greenhouses & Gardening Centre Hours Icon


Retail Store Hours:
Closed for the season and will re open in April

Growing and Production:
Open Monday - Friday 9am - 3pm